Art direction, illustration, and animation for a comprehensive advertising campaign for Oswego County Tourism.
The Problem
Oswego County needed a new way to make their print ads stand out from other fishing destinations.
The Approach
A cohesive campaign was designed that relied on illustration to tell the story of the fishing experience from a new perspective. It not only allowed for consistency in look and message across channels, but it allowed the ads to highlight the specific species that the destination is well know for.
The message had to be simple and memorable, but also functional and legible at various sizes.

One illustration was created for each of the four major fishing seasons. The ads were designed in such a way that they could quickly and easily be reformatted.
One illustration was created for each of the four major fishing seasons. The ads were designed in such a way that they could quickly and easily be reformatted.
The Result
Over the course of the first year Oswego County Tourism experienced the highest rate of return on link clicks ever for this campaign. The CPC was over three times lower than the national industry average.